Veteran's Monument Located at Union Cemetery
Jefferson County, Ohio's Salem Township was created June 3, 1807 as one of the first five original townships and was part of Steubenville. Salem Township was home to many Quakers in its founding days as well as the Underground Railroad.
Salem Township is approximately 36.6 square miles in total area and sits approximately 1,243 feet above sea level. It is relatively square and contains 36 sections. In the 2000 census, the population of the township was 3,162.
Richmond is the largest (and only) incorporated municipality in the township and is located in the northeast corner. The village of East Springfield also lies in the northwestern corner of the township.
Salem Township is also home to Jefferson State Lake and Campground in the north as well as two reserviors, several creeks and more than seven cemeteries.
Your Township officers invite you to browse around to discover all you can about Salem Township!
Your Township Officers
Kim Petrisko, Fiscal Officer
Thomas McConnell, Trustee
Eric Mercer, Trustee
Kelly Prokopakis, Trustee
Contact your township officers by clicking the grey names above or calling the Township Garage at 740-765-5113.
Entrance to Union Cemetery on State Route 152 South of Richmond
Salem Township
Shipping Address: 47 Township Road 216 Mailing Address: 2478 State Route 646
Richmond, OH 43944 - 740-765-5113
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